Congratulations! You have completed your graduate course work and fieldwork and are now eligible to take the National Board Certification of Occupational Therapy (NBCOT®) Exam. Before you begin studying, there are a few steps you need to take first in preparing for this exam. The first step is applying for the NBCOT® exam. You can either apply online or via mail. Applicants are required to submit an official transcript stating that all academic requirements have been fulfilled. You may also be required to submit fieldwork verification by your academic fieldwork coordination. Upon approval of eligibility to take the exam, you will then receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) Letter by e-mail or mail within 10-15 business days after all documentation is submitted and received. The ATT letter will include contact information for Prometric and instructions to schedule your exam at various test locations.
If you have a disability and require special testing accommodations, there are specific steps you need to take prior to scheduling your exam. Review NBCOT® testing accommodation page at
http://www.nbcot.org/testing-accommodations for specific details on how to receive these accommodations. Here you can find the TA handbook which outlines the necessary documents you need, how to schedule your exam through a TA advocate, and any additional information you may need to know.
Setting the date to take your exam is especially important in preparing for the NBCOT® exam. It is recommended that you schedule your exam soon after you receive your approval letter. Your ATT letter is valid for only three months. Test locations may fill up fast depending on your location, so you do not want to wait until the last minute. The exam may take up to four hours to complete. Therefore you may want to factor this in while scheduling, in order to determine what time of day is best for you.
Scheduling your exam ahead of time allows you to determine a time frame, which will help prevent procrastination. Once your exam is scheduled, it is now time to buckle down and begin studying.Before you have a nervous breakdown and start digging through all your old textbooks, you may want research study materials available. There are several resources accessible to best prepare you for passing the OT exam. It is beneficial to invest in OT study materials such as a practice review book and enroll in a preparatory exam course. There are multiple components the NBCOT® exam covers.
Therefore it is essential you purchase materials in which cover all of these areas. Web courses and tutoring services are highly recommended in order to achieve a passing score. Web courses often include practice exams which most closely reflect the official NBCOT® exam. All these tools are created to help you pass and are worth the money.
Once you obtain all your study materials, it is time to develop a study schedule. A 7-8 week study schedule is recommended to allocate enough time for preparing for the exam. Determining a study schedule involves dividing sections from your exam review book and determining how long each section will take to review. As you review each chapter, it is important to identify your strengths and weaknesses. For instance, you may feel confident in your knowledge regarding musculoskeletal disorders but are struggling with neurological disorders. Therefore, you may want to create flashcards or contact colleagues to help you have a better understanding of this practice area. Lastly, take practice tests! Taking practice tests are one of the best ways to prepare you for the NBCOT® exam. Practice tests consist of clinical stimulations and multiple choice questions in all categories covered by the NBCOT®.
Results from practice tests can help to determine your strengths and weaknesses. By following these steps, you are on your way to passing the NBCOT ®exam. By the end of your 7-8 week study plan, you will be ready to take the exam. Take the day off before and try to relax. It is not wise to cram or keep studying up until the day before. Remember to stay healthy both physically and mentally so you feel confident before, during and after the exam. Preparation is vital to passing your exam, so do not procrastinate. You have worked so hard to obtain your degree in Occupational Therapy and are now well on your way to passing the NBCOT® exam. If you have not passed the NBCOT® exam, go to passtheot.com. With over a 90% passing rate, they offer the most effective, efficient, and affordable test prep for the NBCOT® exam